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Kentucky Office Of Vocational Rehabilitation Investigation & Fraud Allegations

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The mission statement for the office of vocational rehabilitation reads: "The Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation assists Kentuckians with disabilities to achieve suitable employment and independence." Now honestly, I don't have a disability, the only disability I have ever had is my psychopathic parents who have consistently tried to drug me into oblivion since I was old enough to talk. I've never actually had a choice until I was over the age of 18 and could legally object to their mass drugging.

Since I was around the ages of 7 years old my parents have forcefully made me take psychiatric drugs and have had me diagnosed with literally every possible psychiatric diagnoses possible. Until I got older and realized they were hypochondriacs that believed everything a doctor told them even when it was blatantly obvious that they were wrong and just trying to exploit the RX pad for profit. I would know best because I have almost died from the adverse effects of these medications more than 3 times and 3 times is too many. 

In fact, I have NEVER had a positive outcome from any medical drugs I have received from Bluegrass.org, the University Of Kentucky or any other psychiatric institution for that matter. All they have done is wasted my time for about 15 minutes and then tried to urge me to take their next "miracle drug" which often times caused psychosis landing me in jail or otherwise causing some kind of organ failure or blood problem in my body leaving me close to death.

It only makes sense that someone in my position would be infuriated about taking psychiatric drugs that have almost led to my death many times, and being denied employment assistance on the basis that I need more therapy and drugs is enough to make someone in my position very hostile. Especially after the fact that I am registered with the federal IT schedule 70 as a Defense Logistics Agency Military Server Contractor and I am literally clicks away from receiving large checks for manufacturing from countless hours of hard work and planning and the only way to get into these positions is to have financial leverage to hedge manufacturing to receive 15-30 day ARO checks from the fed on literally a daily basis.

Now if I am so disabled that I am unable to complete the requests of these agencies then why is that I built a massive warehouse at 371 United Court #1 out on blue sky parkway without the help of vocational rehabilitation only to have the Lexington Sheriff’s office detain me for over a month in Eastern State Hospital. I had everything I needed to be successful in my warehouse, storage, tables, an office, hundreds of computers and more paperwork done than Kathy Witt will ever do in her life. I have demonstrated through the repair and refurbishing of well over 5,000 computers since I was around the age of 18 and I graduated from school with certifications in my field before I was even old enough to legally drive. My customer database has thousands and thousands of customers in it all around the state of Kentucky in almost every central county surrounding Fayette county.

I was literally taking my social security checks and paying the rent on a warehouse where I was in turn working my ass off to try and make some money so that I could be financially independent because Jonathon White refused to help me. If that's not a clear intention right there to attempt at working and being independent then I don't know what is. After I was detained without a real trial at Eastern State Hospital for over a month, my bills had reached a point where it was no longer financially possible on my limited income to keep my warehouse open. So I was back to nothing again thanks to the Lexington Sheriff’s Office and the glorious Medicare defrauding assholes at Eastern State Hospital Aka Rose Douglass, Steve Beshear and how could we forget the "Toy" family.

In 2010 I registered as a manufacturing business with NAICS codes with the Defense Logistics Agency but I have shied away from taking a contract as I do not have the manufacturing equity to build what the government wants to order. The feds will not give me an order nor will I bid on an order until after I know for sure I can build what they are buying and have it delivered in a calendar month. What is Beshear doing with your tax dollars? That's right he's giving it to a creationist theme park.


Am I ever going to get anything productive done in this little town of poor people with no jobs? Seriously without some kind of working capital all these servers are just going to sit here and nothing is ever going to get done. I wrote a god damn business plan that blows UK's pathetic master's degree students away like Rambo. 

The government in this town is run by UK. I hate UK Alumni and I have damn good reason to hate them, the economic cabinet managed by a bunch of sleazy old dirt bags that don't know how to do a damn thing except play golf and read the New Yorker. I would love to have nothing more for my birthday than to know they all got fired and replaced by people who actually have some brains. When is a bank ever going to give me a damn loan so I can actually make some money? I don't need a backwards ass conservative college full of rednecks that worship grown men playing basketball running my governments economic cabinet because they aren't doing anything to better the economy or fund good ideas. Every time I think about those pricks over there at the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development I feel like breaking something.
It doesn't matter what you call it, I could call my business whatever and people would still buy my cloud services because I actually know how to build complex redundant server systems that people can use for their code worldwide And program the software the comes with it and Lexington is nowhere near the fiber capabilities of larger cities so there is NO WAY in HELL to locate it here.  

I proved it theoretically, I proved it financially, I proved it by managing it, I proved it by building and repairing it, I proved it by working 60 hours a week WITH LITTLE TO NO PAY FOR 2 YEARS, I proved it by driving all around the damn state and fixing businesses and home computers. Where am I supposed to work to make enough money to actually be independent? That's right, nowhere. I can’t. 

First off there isn't any server manufacturing jobs in Lexington, I built that, I designed that, and I'm the only one in this city capable of building it. Not even IBM can compete with my designs. Which is why I've attracted people on the opposite side of the country that actually know what they are talking about and work for just about every major classified agency to assist in data storage. Beshear must still be off in la la land building creationist theme parks and that is not going to pay for the public school systems I guarantee you.

I bought all of the University Of Kentucky's servers from auction and completely rebuilt them to working condition even after the morons in IT at UK couldn't get them to work, I did. I have a server stack in my house I rebuilt that's worth hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly from government paychecks but I lack the funding to pay for the network resources to get them online. I've done more than enough to receive help from the Office of Vocational rehabilitation, the Kentucky Economic Cabinet, and from Beshear directly but I'm slapped in the face consistently with the delusion that I have a mental illness even after 30 year retired FBI agents and current agents working in the J Edgar Hoover building say otherwise. 

I've been sent money from high ranking Explosive Ordnance Department of Defense enlisted soldiers and FBI personnel from the other side of the country to help bail me out of the financial problems that have arisen from the states discrimination, lies and Medicare fraud.

It's time to pony up the cash and let us be on our way providing jobs to people who need them and spend more time getting rid of these snakes at the state level who sit in a marble palace and collect salary for doing nothing.

I am filing suit for compensation in the amount of $2000 from the department of vocational rehabilitation which is trivial and the amount of $81 for court fees in order to finalize my independent plan that was in place well before Jonathon White decided I needed more therapy and psychiatric “services” in order to even continue receiving help from his office which up to this point has been NO HELP AT ALL and has only cost me time and money. 

Keep in mind I worked with Vocational Rehabilitation for well over a year diligently and never got angry until after my case worker Cassandra Knight left the office and was replaced by Jonathon Whites new worker which is his family “Kristen Beach” who denied me all assistance. I was never angry to the point where I needed counseling as they say until after they denied me assistance entirely.

Eastern State Hospital has billed Medicare for a ridiculous amount of money in then hundreds of thousands none of which went to me for help with independent living or for any type of employment plan. The amount of money I'm filing for compensation is the amount of money that my previous case worker that left Jonathon’s office and I had agreed on which in the larger plan is trivial.

Jonathon White has gone as far as calling the Lexington Police on me after I’ve called his office requesting assistance and lied to them telling them that I threatened him. He is a huge liar, he has proven his inability to help the people he is in an office to serve and he deserves no job.

THE ONLY goal here is to be independent, OFF social security, and have self-employment because obviously there is no other person who can do my job. C6100 rack servers weigh over 150 pounds each and I carry them by myself, disabled my ass. These rack servers were liquidated from a Red Hat research warehouse at Area 51 and the Department of Defense fronted the bill for them. I have already shipped a few of them to Dallas, Texas at the location enclosed in this set of documents, however the bill to keep them connected is out of my reach because White never helped me with the self-employment costs and I have been struggling ever since living off crumbs.

Yours in Service,

Bradley T. Burns
Federal DLA Military Data Center Contractor
American Legion Post 138, DLA CAGE: 6LOV5

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